Thoughts on Liberalism and Humanism

Thanks to liberalism and humanism, we have shifted from god being at the center of our lives to ourselves being the most important. Todays society places most emphasis on individuality and expression. But the problem with individualism is it is limited in search for truth, individualism coupled with capitalism is consumerism and that isn't a fulfilling type of life. We have lost the sense of obligation and servitude, the proximity to a benevolent but jealous god. This superstition was a form of schizophrenia because it implied a causal connection between unknowable forces and our own lives. With the existence of rational arguments denying the existence of this invisible force we have to continuously remind ourselves that the universe is amoral and irreverent. It doesn't care for us, and nothing does. the only thing that can really care for our existence is ourselves. But you cant just take away this invisible conversation partner and expect just anything to suffice the void. We desperately try to replace god with money, fame, power, achievement, success, but none of these things have any spiritual value. Without this irrationally created conversation partner we are lost, its as if someone cut off the telephone line, and we are stuck in silence, forced to replace the voice with our own inner monologue.

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