Heaven's Gate

 of how they died unnecessarily the 39 still wearing their black sweaters, tracksuit bottoms and nike waffle trainers. the last days, there was still some sadness, but the the leader reminded us that all hope we had was simply the luciferian forces staying attached to our mortal coils. feeding off the gumtree like koalas, inhabiting all different forms of corporeal bodies, but the celestial was aeternal. (what is essential is the father like figure, the extreme charismatic nature, the ability to comfort and strike fear at the same time. the people who fell for it, were generally gullible but not dumb, the leaders belief systems and teachings made sense to the smarter of the group, while the young ones bought into the stories of what their lives would be of secret powers, of life on this distant planet etc.) what is essential in a cult group is that you foster a sense of exclusivity and community, that you have a clear delineation between us and them, the dangerous outsiders and the righteous and delivered insiders. in order to achieve this you need to create a theory that you believe in yourself whole heartedly. of course the question is: how can you maintain a strict adherence in a belief system with so much doubt and reality surrounding you? you have to shield yourself from it. there is some knowledge that i don't want to know, i have to persevere in the belief that i am right, against all odds. observe a woman with a poetic sensibility and soul slowly give into the peer pressure of the group to accept that she must "disengage" herself from her current body and exit the human realm. what is sad is the fact that she was already gifted with a talent for seeing the beauty in the world, but it was turned into a sort of sense of deception, that behind everyday occurrences there was something of greater mystery calling her to find an escape, then abandoned it. a sort of poignancy at having to exit. she was eager at first, and was convinced and persuaded by the charismatic charm of the leader, those were maybe the early days, when he was still optimistic (too much like the osho story) and later he became cynical and gave up faith in this world. cults tend to become cynical when certain events do not happen according to plan, they turn to desperate measures. thetans, metal cylinders, expressions of anger, control, (the master), sexual attraction, wifing (osho). obsession, devotion, frustration, jealousy, daddy issues (sylvia plath), the jewish sect that comitted suicide rather than surrender to the romans (jospehus).  large passages, in memorandum of the days events. {{i saw it. in the beauty of a convenience store. the rows of goods all stacked up. the everyday goods. the simple things that people use in their lives. the canned sardines, the corned beef, all going to someone's house and being prized open and fried with garlic and onions. how the store clerks went about their day, managing everything, fastidious and methodical, they loved secretly what they did, the monotonous everyday experience of it. there was so much to lose , so much happiness to lose. mundane existence, the gods envy us, for they do not know what sysyphus must carry.}} i dreamt of you and in my dream it played this song by pearl jam, better man, and the lyrics go: she dreams in colours, she dreams in red. cant find a better man. it must have been a signifier of some sort, because serge was in my dream and he had my guitar case. but for some reason i thought he was going to kill me, and then dahmer came to mind. <<>>the ending should come as a surprise, only hints of mass suicide be revealed during the story<<>> she is their clothes mender. they dress up all in black for their escape vehicle? or in patchwork clothes like clowns? they take mdma and then inject themselves with anesthetics, or euthanasia heart stopping drugs. it is too late now, i've been preparing for this final stage for twenty years.. how can they say that he is delusional. those words are hurtful and full of lies. that is merely the luciferians, the space aliens operating against us. i have through every conceivable path available to me, i have considered every argument for and against and have concluded that this is the the only option left to me. the father is calling his flock and our leader has been sent to guide us into the fathers realm where we will become beings of pure light, pure consciousness and bask in the glory of his love and care. all these years he has been good to me, the leader and his wife have shown me only kindness, perseverance, strength, courage, humility. i have come to love and respect all my classmates equally and have formed an unseperable link with them, we have been through hhe darkest of times and through happy days as well, through thick and thin. we have been persecuted, chastised, demonized, denigrated, denounced, beaten, attacked, and all these slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have only served to strengthen our resolve. i remember when we were at the peak of our  capacity, at 100 members, and we went busking through the streets of downtown los angeles and san francisco, sleeping in tents, and begging for scraps. we had left our homes and our families and given all we owned, all our mortal possessions to the leader and his partner. i even gave up my credit card, for after all what use are these financial institutions in the next level, where trivialities like money and insurance have no purpose. it was a small price to pay for an eternity in heaven by my fathers side. we lived and breathed as one, and we followed the leaders commands. he who had been instructed by the heavenly father in the next level, were messengers of the good, evangelists of the next level, and they taught us to shed our bonds with the mortal world, and let our second consciousness, the mindsoul of the next level expand in our bodies and grow to full fruition. for we were taught that like caterpillar, our next level souls, were growing and breaking free form their old shells, and this metamorphosis would only be complete upon entering into the next level. for the leader and his wife were originally spirits from the next level that had been sent down to earth by the father. the same spirit that had entered the body of jesus two thousand years ago, during his baptism at the age of thirty. that very spirit was the tender of the garden, the earthly garden of which we were designated as plants to be awakened and inhabited by the soul of the next level. the work of jesus, the host of the soul sent by the father was to gather his flock from amongst the mortals of this earth and prepare them for the once in a lifetime opportunity to enter into the kingdom of heaven. but his work was foiled by the space aliens and eventually the gate closed and mankind fell into corruption. that is what exists all around us everyday now, the evidence of that decline and decadence of civilization is everywhere and the sinful ways of mankind are so strong and so they are so blinded by the space aliens that they can no longer contact their heavenly father, and are given the wrong instructions by the father and his representatives. for these are the evils of the world now, the government and organized religion. the government is responsible for the persecution of non-conformists, the witch hunt of those who have been initiated into he truth like the the leader and his flock. organized religion is the propaganda of the space aliens whose evil intent is to confuse humans into believing that god wanted to create a false kingdom of heaven on earth and wanted us to embrace our mammalian ways. these mammalian ways were things like, sexuality, race, identity, status,  job, family, home, income, assets and anything that tied us to the joys of being enclosed in our fleshhouse  until our mortal death. the government and religion work in tandem to create a prison for humans and ultimately create a kind of hell on earth. for look at it now! isn't it already resembling the hells o the prophecy? look at  how capitalism and science and technology have transformed society into a stinking morass, an abyss of greed and hunger, of war and pestilence, of mutual hatred, of fornication and base desires. look at the young of our generation, their minds are filled with prospect of making money, owning fast cars, having beautiful partners, of travelling in airplanes to remote parts of the earth. and what happens when their hopes and dreams cannot be fulfilled? they turn to violence and drugs, and abuse their bodies and souls. how the deposts from the other realm suffer under the burden of their mortal coils! how they are weighed down by the abuse of their bodies, by the mammalian base desires and needs of their held back evolutionary status.  we will be free of this type of torture and once we enter the straight and narrow, once we enter the next level. we will shed our corporeal form and our  human consciousness and be left with only the soul of the next kingdom which we were given by the father. look at the children of this present generation! how they no longer obey their parents, how they show disrespect to each other, how they use each other's bodies to fulfill their lust and sexual desires. then discard it like they were merely inanimate puppets. like animals or ghouls they roam the streets in search for another opportunity to defile each other, they linger on the sidewalks at night to offer their service to the rich and powerful, who are in themselves even more corrupt than the the ones they solicit. i am proud to say that i have left behind all my worldly ways, have staved off these things, and have been taken into the classroom of the leader who surely is the representative of the kingdom of heaven on earth. once the spaceship is finally here, we will all leave this realm and enter through heavens gate into the kingdom, and truly the time is near. for we have heard the prophecy from the scientist, from nasa, that the comet is passing through the solar system and orbiting earth, and within its icy trail is concealed the spacecraft that will take us to the next kingdom. truly the time is nigh, and we must prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually to board this ship. we must repent and think well of our brothers and sisters, for the day will come when they ask us to justify ourselves and our actions, and they will require of us to show the stamp of approval, that we have been working hard to disembody ourselves from these sinful base manifestations. there is no other time, the signs are all too evident that as this millennium draws to close, the cycle of the kingdom of heavens opening is repeated and what was done then two thousand years ago shall once again take place, and the representatives (our leaders) are the shepherds that will guide us on to that ship. of course we do not want to be mistaken about it, but surely there is no other proof than the existence of our leader and his partner, there is no need for argumentation or logic or science to prove to us that we are the containers of extraterrestrial seeds of life, and that in order to come to full fruition we must disgorge ourselves from our bodies. for this to take place we must take the final step. of course it is a bitter pill to swallow, but i do so willingly and accept my fate. we must seal off the doorways that lead to the netherworld, that rise like flames to lick at our feet and souls. we must prevent the evil space aliens from corrupting our next level consciousness. and we must take the necessary steps, hand in hand, each by the others side, to finish our lives on this hellish planet. soon you will find us, and you will be shocked to see what we have left behind, namely our mortal bodies.  the media will be full of stories covering the events that took place in our classroom, and we will be the subject of discussions, interviews, and television documentaries. they will mock us in our choices and will  make us an example for what is wrong about society and modernity, but these are merely the the workings of the space aliens, who will have nothing left of us, left to do to us, but desecrate our memories in the minds of our families and those who chose not to join us on our journey to the kingdom of heaven. the question you have to ask yourself as you read this, and are shocked by the stories that circulate the media, is who do you trust more? have i not presented you a cogent enough argument for you to join us? have i not compromised our secret mission on this earth enough to give you a ticket to paradise. as you read this, we are all now, partaking in the glory of the fathers light, basking in his eternal splendor, dancing with our brothers and sisters in the wonder of another world far beyond the reaches of your telescopes and prying eyes, of the scientists futile attempts at mapping the universe. we are right now travelling in this next level, choosing to inhabit freely whatever physical entity we wish, moving about freely like electricity, but nay we are even more complex our communications are far beyond the concept of mortal humans and scientists. if you are reading this then you should weigh your options carefully, for the gate is only open as the comet is passing by, for a few short days it will be visible in the sky, and during this time only it will open its gates to the initiates. but i do not want to force you into anything, the doors are wide open, and like us you are free to leave at any time. we chose the path to the kingdom at our own volition, we were not coerced or pressured into following the leader, so in the same vein we are merely showing you that there is another way to live, that the gate is open to you for a short time only, as they say here on earth, the offer stand for a short time only! if you do decide to follow us then send our secretary a message and she will send to you a package that you can take with you to a special secretive place where no one can follow you. it will contain a special blanket,  blue jumpsuits, white socks, and neckties and that you can wear around your sleeves. then in a vial will be the delivery substance that will take you directly in incorporeal form to the spacecraft where you will join us, all you do is simply drink he liquid. as i said find a safe place to do this, free from prying eyes, and make sure nobody can interfere with your actions, maybe you will want to shower and eat well before the journey, for it might take a few hours before you join us. if you follow there instructions, then your soul will be awakened to the next level and you will find yourself soon frolicking with us in the fields of elysium, in the next level. what greater gift could there be to a mortal man than this! think now and weigh up your decision carefully and we hope to see for your next step in the journey!

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