
 having spent a life crafting other worlds he now no longer seemed able to dwell within his own. his training was that of hypotheticals and counterfactuals - his pedigree was in the unfulfilled, it was in the unmade. it was in the cavernous, convoluted worlds of the merely imaginable, the permissive, the promiscuous. so when he touched down back on earth he was unable to breath the air that i breathe. we have to understand the position of this eleventeenth century monk, who was reclusified in his own prism. he crafted worlds of his own fabrication, he moulded shapes from his own whimsy, he built edifices of his own flights of fancy- yes but was he capable of settling with the real? no. what did he do in his spendtrhift pages, he stormed and railed against the world. he wrote the passage that were best remembered as peerless entries into the vaults of time. after all that was the highest form of meditation, meditation upon the unthinkable. for him timelines extended, they extrapolated into th evindistinctive future, yes they went abroad. he chartered careers far flung from the solar system. he intermersed with tidal waves, he espoused whales. the most important aspect of future rendering, was the beauty of creating new moral phenomena. yes worlds in which there was a band called the taliband, in which there was a peaceful palestine, in which there was a republic of england. he forgced connections with the best and the brightest, like that counterwailing spraffer eric weinstein. he roamed the rings of saturn, he jumped the jacks of jupiter. it happened of a day, one cool and sunny jupiter afternoon, or maybe one bright and springy juniper apres midi, he chanced upon a cat that lay lolling on the grass, with it s tongue stuck out like this "sticks tongue out". and he deiced to give it a good petting over its head, and it dawned upon him, that mans time was at an end. no, not in the cataclysmic, catastrophic, cacapohinic, apocalypstick, sense, but simply that he was due for his appointment, and he could no longer sit and gather information from the business acumen. why should i pay attention just to watch you talk.

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