The Prelapsarian Consciousness of Adam and Eve

 perhaps what adam and eve were awoken to was some form of "first self consciousness" whereas previously they might have had some other form of consciousness, which lacked a definite conception of an I. perhaps the knowledge of good and evil, the power that was given to them by the tree of knowledge gave them judgement or discernment, in specific applications or fields, which hitherto they had not found necessary. for example the first thing they acknowledge is each other nakedness. so maybe this revolution in the ai world is a second eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. so nudeness is a symbol of self knowledge, a transition of childlike innocence to adult promiscuity, to awareness of genitals and of their own and the other sex. the first knowledge that adam and eve had, the first application of the knowledge of good and evil, was nudity. so it symbolized the scales falling from their eyes, and an advancement to a more godlike form of being, but also one which came as a burden and a punishment. hubris. prior to his fall, man was given food from the trees which filled him up and required no labor to produce, it simply grew by itself, but after the fall he had to work and ate "the plants of the field", which presumably required technology. most importantly however was the fact that he had to work, he had to struggle, whereas previously he didn't need to worry. also, there were no need fo children. adam and eve were perfectly happy in their unity, and  woman was part of man, and they live happily ever after. maybe this state of harmony and tranquility, this utopia was on the authors mind when he wrote it, a world with only two perfect human beings, with no need to suffer birth or death, just eternal joy under the loving gaze of the lord (sounds a bit demented to me). god first connection with the confession of adams nakedness is to conclude that he ate from the tree of knowledge. so if god was the one who associated nudity with knowledge of good and evil, then it must be the case, self consciousness, specifically ones body (presumably ones reproductive organs) was the cause of the fall. but we can guess that other thoughts other than awareness of their nudity cropped up on their minds, since it says that eve was desirous of wisdom, so she presumably wanted to have knowledge that she didn't have before, something new. possibly a new life, an escape form the garden? tired of being gods subject, hubris, the want to steal from the gods and become as they are? perhaps this original consciousness or first consciousness was not merely a simpler form of being, or innocence, but also in its own way more complex than their present state. the same applies for children, what if children possess a mind which is receptive to the world in ways that the adult human mature mind is not capable of anymore. for example the mind of the unadulterated might be like the mind of the schizophrenic or someone who has taken acid or mescaline, possibly they see things that others don't see. the emotions might be more intense, the passions more fiery, possibly there is less fear, hatred, greed, there might just be an unlimited wellspring of joy. maybe this is what adam and eve took on as a burden, the need to to be judicious over others, possibly that was the burden of the knowledge of good and evil, the meting out of reward and punishment- the eyes and burden of god. and this adjudication also compounded and confounded their innocence, it obscured their previous sight. whereas previously they might be more attuned to creative potential in things, now they only saw it as a means to an ends. maybe that's why they had to plow the fields, because their mind was focused on industriousness, on the value of things. possibly that was the essence of the fruit, the need to evaluate the world and the first symptom of that was self consciousness, an awareness sof their state of being in the world, the fact that they were no  longer part of it  or a being-in-the-world, but a being-of-the-world, no longer harmonious, but a ruler, a king, an owner, from now on their joy was in subjecting nature to thie whims.

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